This blog is for family and friends who wish to following Trevan as he sacrifices his time and talents to go forth and teach the Gospel in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission for the next two years. Follow him as he grows through experience, challenges and triumphs throughout his mission. May our prayers provide him comfort and protection as he serves the people in his mission and may we all be inspired to be missionaries in our own lives.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 21, 2016 - Police Raid

Our church is getting renovated here in Antwerpen so we will be going to church in Brussels for a while I think. But one of the weeks is conference so we won't have to travel too far.
We had zone training this week on Tuesday, and that night when everyone headed back was when the police raid happened in Brussels and the manhunt began. And the Brussels elders were about 2 train stops away from where it happened. President hadn't heard about it so I called and had to make the call for the missionaries to all get home ASAP since the manhunt could have headed northward. But then just a few days ago they caught the second suspect in Brussels and he is taken care of. It's just crazy because we could be in Brussels in less than 45 minutes if we left right now. Everything is so close together in Europe.

But we are alive. Conferences are coming up and the weather is getting better. Still rainy but not so cold. We can finally see that we have shadows again. The sun came through for the first time in a while.

Thanks for the love and prayers! I feel them. A bunch of old companions and missionaries want to know when my homecoming would be. Would it be that first Sunday do you know? If not, maybe I could go see some of theirs whenever we go to Utah or something. I think it’s around Pioneer day.

Love Trev

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